The Mark Egly Foundation, in its pursuit of improved awareness and care for AATD aware and unaware patients, needs to make a bold statement. The first possible symptoms are jaundice at birth (high bilirubin count) and associated liver problems after birth! Our pursuit of changing the standard of care is to test every baby at birth. Why? Because there are many situations where NO SYMPTOMS may develop for decades, but the lack of enough circulating Alpha1 Antitrypsin may be responsible for hundreds of items going quietly wrong for decades within the body!
For those that are fortunate to have classic symptoms, here is a list of traditional symptoms:
Our Foundation is promoting the updating of the standard of care using other symptoms and conditions recognized in the Mark Egly Patent, and why our drive is there to change the standard of care in the medical profession! Here is a list of just a few additional symptoms, with many more to follow!